And so it begins. Is it too early to start packing? I realize I have six weeks until it's absolutely necessary that I have a bag packed, but this is a very important trip and I am extraordinarily excited to go.
It all started when a representative from the UH Manoa Study Abroad Center came to my statistics class to talk to us about study abroad. I looked at my friend sitting next to me and said, "Yeah right. Kids, husband, no way!" When I presented the idea to my husband, his response was, "That's nice, Dear."
After a few hours of deep thought, pondering all of the reasons why I can't go and all of the reasons I can, I came to the conclusion that my "can go" list was much longer than my "can't go" list. After a surprisingly short pitch to my husband, it was decided I would apply.
The normal questions arose, how will my husband handle single parenting while working a full time job and going to grad school? Who will pick up our kids from school if they get sick? And probably the biggest question of them all, how are we going to pay for this?
I met with my school advisor to discuss the classes I would take while in London and it was then she gave me the application for the Johnson Scholarship.
I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate being chosen to receive this scholarship. Because of the generosity of Mr. Johnson, I'm going to be able to study in London and experience the people, the culture, the music, art, and history. He has given me a gift that will make this adventure possible.
Stay tuned...